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Soul Deep – Adventures With The Style Council’ is a book by Stuart Deabill, Ian Snowball and Steve Rowland charting the history of one of the most enigmatic groups of the 1980’s, through the eyes of the fans and those who worked with the musical collective.

The high-quality design led hardback book features personal stories and unseen photos as well as personal memorabilia from fans collections. There are also interviews with some of the musicians and background team who worked with The Style Council between 1983 and 1989.

Soul Deep features some of the original artwork and photography that adorned the single and album sleeves as well as the tour posters, trade ads, merchandise. The authors also revisit some of the live and record reviews that The Style Council received from the likes of NME, Melody Maker, Sounds and Record Mirror.

The 240 page hardback book comes in 2 editions, standard and limited.

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